We would like to remind our families of the importance of attendance. We understand that students miss school for a variety of reasons, many that cannot be predicted or prevented. However, we also know the research shows that missing even 10 percent of school, or about 18 days in a year, can negatively impact a student's performance. If your child is experiencing mental, emotional, or physical health issues that result in excessive (more than two in a month) or long term absences please contact their counselor, the school nurse, or an administrator, to discuss an attendance plan. Attendance plans allow us to help families find support for their child if needed, provide appropriate care and support for the student while they are at school, and/or manage academic plans to ensure our students do not fall behind in their classes or credits. Finally, if you are seeking support to get your child to school or getting them to stay there, for any reason, please contact us. We are ready to partner with you to remove barriers to attendance and your child's academic success!
Good school attendance is important for success in school and as a foundation for successful careers and relationships. The highlight of a quality educational experience is the interaction of an enthused, knowledgeable teacher and an interested student. Those not in class are denied this experience. The best policy for students and parents is to prearrange all necessary absences before the student is absent. Parents/guardians may prearrange by calling or sending a note to the Attendance Secretary.
Because it is the legal responsibility of teachers to maintain accurate records on student attendance, the Board of Directors has established attendance criteria that emphasizes the importance of good attendance for student achievement. The following procedures will be in effect at Stanwood High School:
- Attendance will be taken each period.
- All students, regardless of age, must follow all school rules, including attendance rules.
(RCW 28A.225)
Procedure for excusing your child's absences:
- Absences must be excused within 72 hours of the student's return to school.
- Parents and guardians may excuse absences by calling the attendance secretary at 360-629-1305, through Absence Notification using their Family Access password, by emailing, or by sending a note to the attendance office with the student.
- Messages on notes, voicemail, or email should include the first AND last name of the student, the date of the absence, reason for the absence, and the parent or guardian signature.
- Stanwood High School defines excused absences as absences due to illness, appointment or family business. Oversleeping, car trouble, traffic congestion and missing the bus are not considered excused absences.
- If the student has classes at Stanwood High School AND Lincoln Hill High School, you must contact BOTH schools to excuse absences.
If your child arrives late to school
- Students arriving late to school must sign in on the attendance log sheet located in the window just past the door to the main office. If a parent or guardian is not able to come in and sign for the student, then they must call the attendance office or send a note excusing the tardiness. The student must write the time of their arrival on the note.
If your child needs to leave school early
- If a student needs to leave school early, the student must bring a note from the parent/guardian requesting the absence. The student should bring the note to the Attendance Office before school and they will receive an "Early Dismissal Pass" allowing them to sign themselves out of school.
- Leaving campus without permission will not be excused after the fact.
- Students should never leave school without properly checking out with the Attendance Office. If an emergency arises, which requires the student to leave school, the parent or guardian must notify the school.
New mental health attendance policy:
During the 2022 legislative session, House Bill 1834 was passed. This bill directed the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to categorize a student absence from school due to a mental health reason, as an excused absence due to illness, health condition, or medical appointment.
The updated language for an excused absence now states: physical health or mental health symptoms, illness, health condition or medical appointment for the student or person for whom the student is legally responsible. Examples of symptoms, illness, health conditions, or medical appointments include, but are not limited to, medical, counseling, mental health wellness, dental, optometry, pregnancy, and behavioral health treatment (which can include in-patient or out-patient treatment for chemical dependency or mental health).
It is best to send a note in the morning to have the student get an early dismissal pass.
This prevents interrupting a teacher during class and the student can just show the teacher the pass and leave quietly.
Auto dialer: Automated telephone calls are made to inform guardians of one (1) or more unexcused absences from class each school day.
Attendance Letters: "Unexcused Absence" letters will be mailed home weekly for students that missed 50% or more of their scheduled classes for 2 or more days.
To view Stanwood High School's Attendance Policy in full detail please refer to "Attendance Procedures" in Stanwood High School's Student Handbook